Greetings SoldOut Movement Family!
It is with great anticipation and excitement that we announce the release of Dr. Tim Kernan’s most recent book: 20/20 Book Three: 20 More Convictions In 20 Days For Everyone Who Wants To Get Stronger And Be Empowered.
Dr. Kernan starts off Book Three with a bang:
“Afflicted in every way….” (2 Corinthians 4:8-12 English Standard Version) Not exactly the first thing one thinks of when considering the life of a Christian. Yet God is the master of strengthening us and maturing us. He wants to make us more capable and make us more like Christ through difficulty. Indeed, there is no other way to do it. Think about that for a second: There is no other way to do it!
As you can see, this book is a power-packed toolkit for personal transformation! The more you read, the more the truth of God’s Word will strengthen you. Tim’s scriptural insights and vivid analogies energize your walk with God and motivate godly decisions empowered by prompted prayers to overcome specific battles.
Tim is a master at spiritual hand-to-hand combat, and this book will train you to win the battle of the mind that Satan wages against every one of us! I appreciate Tim’s candor, as part way through the book, he helped me identify a struggle I didn’t even realize I HAD – not to mention that I was not winning in my spiritual perspective as a Christian husband – and that led to a monumental decision in my life to ”not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of [my] mind.” (Romans 12:2 ESV) If you want to be transformed, you have to read this book! There is no other way to do it!
Lastly, the logical way Dr. Kernan presented the 10 struggles we can surely overcome by God’s empowerment in Part 1, and the 10 areas in which we can truly be strengthened by God’s Word in Part 2 will help to sharpen, heal, and open all of our EYES so we can attain and maintain spiritual 20/20 vision!
Happy reading, family!
Link to 20/20 Book Three:
Link to all of Dr. Tim C. Kernan’s books:
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